Gay men wrestling video

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They show men wrestling in the shower, in the ocean, and one guy skipping until his shorts fall down. The ads are not for Abercrombie, the store told the shopping blog. Weber posted a Facebook update with a photo of two shirtless dudes wrestling in A&F branded gear, under the headline, ' 4 NEW WEB FILMS BY BRUCE WEBER FOR ABERCROMBIE & FITCH.'īut when The ShopHound tried to confirm that A&F was finally admitting what everyone already knows-that the super gay chain's super gay photographer makes super gay ads-Abercrombie stayed in the closet. This is the store that routinely paid young male models to stand around shirtless in malls to encourage shoppers to drop $150 on a pair of jeans.

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The backstory is that everyone knows Abercrombie has a gay sensibility (its male cologne brand is called 'Fierce,' for instance) that the company's longtime ad photographer, Weber, is gay and that the pair have made a mountain of beefcake ads with a homoerotic subtext in the past.

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Abercrombie & Fitch advertising photographer Bruce Weber made a series of gay wrestling videos-which included a man-on-man kiss-but the clothing chain says the ads aren't theirs.

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